Looking for a good UX sound training course? We’ve gathered a number of options on the web and listed them for you below.
But first the question, who are these courses designed for?
Sound Designers & UX Interest: Sound designers who have an interest in UX design and want to further their education.
UX designers with an affinity for sound: UX designers who make music themselves and may already have hobby experience with creating sounds and now want to delve deeper and more professionally into the subject.
Some online training courses:
More initial inspiration and thoughts for UX sound beginner:
I’m not searching for training programs, rather experts and profies who have sound design for me for a UX project – who may I contact?
Feel free to write to us or contact us.
Mail to Martin Schiessler (Audity GmbH, UX Sound New Business)
Phone: +49(0)7531 3638524